Hybrid Media

Newspapers + Internet + mobile = advertising power.


Combine newspapers’ traditional strengths with the dynamism of the internet + mobile & you have a winning combination.

Hybrid Media Ltd

Owns these powerful mainstream Digital domains – registered in 1996.st-patricks-day.comchristmas-day.com            st-valentines-day.comcity-of-london.com

Humongous opportunities await US Traditional Media – newspaper & magazines.

Join with us & fill your coffers!

Print Advertising Supplements have a proven track record.Welcomed by readers & advertisers alike.Convenient for readers, low cost ads for clients.

Multi-media Advertising Supplements would be Even Stronger – Print & Digital if you Partnered with us!Our Digital Media:st-patricks-day.com/us-golf-wedding-venues.html

st-patricks-day.com/us-realtors.htmlst-patricks-day.com/us-luxury-realtors.html    $1,000,000+ Properties



With 16,000 golf courses, 1,600,000 Realtors®, 114,000 Wedding Photographers in the US the ad revenue opportunities are really Humongous!

Fill your coffers!Partner with us!


Peter Dodds CVFounderHybrid Media